Ford Plastic Surgery
410-7 St Thomas Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2B7
Phone: (416) 925-7337
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Ford Plastic Surgery
305-419 King Street West
Oshawa, ON L1J 2K5
Phone: (905) 743-9888
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Facial Enhancement for Men
Many popular facial rejuvenation procedures are enjoyed by men and women alike, but male patients have their own unique set of needs and goals. Besides being anatomically different, men and women undergo surgery for different reasons — and their desired outcomes often differ quite a bit. Here in Toronto, blepharoplasty, brow lift, and chin or cheek augmentation are especially popular with male patients.
To start planning your own facial enhancement or to simply learn more about the services we offer, request a consultation online with Ford Plastic Surgery, or call our Toronto office at (416) 925-7337 or our Oshawa office at (905) 743-9888 to schedule your appointment.
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Why? Sagging, drooping, or atrophic eyelids can significantly age a face, contributing to a tired or less alert appearance even if you’re well‐rested. In severe cases, sagging eyelids can even interfere with your vision.
Blepharoplasty, better known as eyelid surgery, can improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. Typically, Dr. Ford is able to make incisions within the natural contours of the eye to ensure highly discreet scars once the healing process is complete.
In addition to lifting sagging eyelids, eyelid surgery can smooth away crinkles and creases and remove the fat deposits that contribute to a puffy under‐eye appearance.
What to Expect: The first 72 hours after eyelid surgery are the most intensive. During this time, Dr. Ford recommends that you keep your head elevated as much as possible. Applying a cool compress to your eyes can also help you stay comfortable and minimize discomfort.
Dr. Ford removes blepharoplasty sutures after about 1 week, at which point most patients feel comfortable returning to work and other social activities. You should avoid strenuous exercise and vigorous activities for about 2 weeks after surgery
Brow Lift
Why? A heavy or sagging brow can add quite a bit of visual weight to a face, creating what can be perceived as a perpetually angry or tired expression. By “lifting” the brow line or forehead, your surgeon can remove this weight and smooth away lines on the forehead. Our surgeons perform this surgery endoscopically, which means it requires only a few very small incisions.
In some cases, brow lift surgery can also help improve the look of the upper lids when blepharoplasty isn’t appropriate.
What to Expect: Brow lift patients typically require between 1 and 2 weeks off from work. Because the head naturally has a lot of blood flow, swelling and bruising after this type of surgery are common. Keeping your head elevated and avoiding strenuous activities while you heal can help minimize these effects.
Cheek & Chin Augmentation
Why? A strong chin is a hallmark of a masculine face. If you have a chin that is disproportionately small in comparison to the rest of your facial features, it may make you feel self‐conscious. A chin implant is a relatively straightforward way to add volume and definition to the chin and jawline.
Cheek implants can also be useful for adding volume and creating stronger definition in your facial features. Facial implants are made of porous polyethylene, a material that feels quite a bit like bone once placed beneath the skin. Our surgeons are almost always able to make incisions completely within the mouth to ensure that no scar appears on the face.
What to Expect: Recuperating after this type of operation is relatively simple. Although neither chin nor cheek augmentation surgery is particularly painful, many patients find it more comfortable to limit themselves to soft or liquid foods for several days after surgery. Most patients are able to return to work after about 1 week.
Morpheus8 RF Microneedling
Men bothered by jowls, excess fat beneath their chins, or fine lines and wrinkles can opt for this nonsurgical solution that uses radiofrequency energy combined with microneedling to tighten and tone skin. Microneedling is very effective on its own, and the addition of RF energy makes it capable of addressing subcutaneous fat as well as skin tissue.
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A Talented Duo
With their expertise in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Derek Ford and Dr. Steven Hanna create attractive, natural-looking results using advanced techniques. Both are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada who provide compassionate patient care.
Learn more about our surgeons
Meet Dr. Derek Ford Meet Dr. Steven Hanna