Breast Augmentation in the Toronto Area

In Toronto, Dr. Derek Ford, Dr. Steven Hanna, and Dr. Laura Snell specialize in breast augmentation for women who want larger, shapelier breasts that still maintain a natural appearance. Dr. Ford, Dr. Hanna, and Dr. Snell are Royal College-certified plastic surgeons who perform more than 300 breast procedures each year. The advanced techniques and leading-edge surgical options he offers make his practice one of the region’s top destinations for breast enhancement. Here, learn more about their approach and get a better sense of the variety of options you have at Ford Plastic Surgery.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in the Toronto Area?

At our Toronto practice, breast augmentation cost depends on the type of implant you choose and the complexity of your procedure.

For procedure pricing, please visit our Pricing & Financing page.

*Prices exclude taxes

The surgeons at Ford Plastic Surgery’s advanced techniques and leading-edge surgical options make this practice one of the region’s top destinations for breast enhancement.

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What Is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation reshapes and adds fullness to breasts that naturally lack volume or have lost volume after pregnancy or weight loss. Among other benefits, the procedure balances asymmetrical breasts or provides improved shape and volume to tuberous breasts.

How To Choose the Best Toronto Area Breast Augmentation Surgeon for You

When you choose the right surgeon, you can relax and enjoy your plastic surgery journey. Things to consider for optimal safety and exceptional results include:

  • Royal-college certification
  • Bedside manner
  • Experience performing breast augmentation
  • Before and after photos
  • Positive patient reviews

Each of our plastic surgeons meets these requirements, making them some of the best choices for breast enhancement surgery in the Toronto area.

Your Breast Augmentation Options

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures at our practice; in fact, our surgeons perform more than 300 surgical breast procedures each year. Because each woman has her own individual goals and anatomical considerations, our surgeons offer a variety of breast implant choices and several different surgical options for completely customising surgical breast augmentation. During each consultation, your surgeon carefully evaluates each patient’s unique desires to help her build the perfect breast augmentation.

Which Type of Breast Implant Is the Best?

Your surgeon will review the following options to help you choose the breast implants that are best for you:

  • Silicone breast implants are the most commonly used breast implants among our Toronto patients and in the U.S.1 Our surgeons offer round silicone implants.
  • Saline breast implants are made of durable silicone shells filled with sterile saltwater.
  • Fat grafting is a natural alternative to implants for women who want more subtle results. This option uses a patient’s own fat, taken from one part of her body, to augment her breasts.2

In certain cases, our surgeons perform hybrid breast augmentation, which combines implants and fat grafting. Learn more in this blog post.

Derek Ford, MD FRCSC

A Talented Trio

With their expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Derek Ford, Dr. Steven Hanna, and Dr. Laura Snell create attractive, natural-looking results using advanced techniques. Each are Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada who provide compassionate patient care.

Learn more about our surgeons

Meet Dr. Derek Ford Meet Dr. Steven Hanna Meet Dr. Laura Snell

Your Breast Augmentation Assessment

For most patients, the goal of breast augmentation is to improve both the size and shape of their breasts while maintaining a natural appearance. During the initial consultation, your surgeon uses Crisalix 3-D imaging software to allow you to virtually “try on” different sizes and styles of implants. This program helps both you and your surgeon accurately envision your potential results and work together toward the same goal.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift Surgery

Breast augmentation adds volume to the breasts, but it cannot address significant sagging. A breast lift, a procedure technically called mastopexy, repositions drooping breast tissue to create a more youthful shape and silhouette. Patients who are happy with the size of their breasts but concerned about downturned nipples and sagginess are best suited for a stand-alone breast lift. However, both mastopexy and breast augmentation can be performed together to improve the size, shape, and position of the breasts. This combined approach typically yields a full, perky, youthful-looking result.

Commonly Combined Procedures

In addition to breast lift surgery, our surgeons often combine breast augmentation with one or more of the following procedures for a mommy makeover:

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery

Not all women who undergo breast augmentation are first-timers. Dr. Laura Snell performs revisionary breast augmentation for women who already have implants. The reasons vary widely and include:

  • Replacing aging implants: With time, breast implants may begin to lose their shape and structure. Women with older implants often undergo revisionary surgery to “upgrade” to newer, more durable implants.
  • Revising unsatisfactory results: Other patients may be unsatisfied with the results of their initial surgeries and turn to Dr. Snell to improve their results.
  • Correcting complications: While rare, complications such as capsular contracture require surgical correction by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Snell.
  • Changing implant size: Some patients simply wish to trade out their original implants for a larger or smaller size. In fact, one study stated: “patient’s desire for implant size change is one of the most common reasons for revision surgery after primary breast augmentation.”3

Although revisionary surgery is common, it presents its own unique challenges due to the presence of scar tissue. Dr. Snell has ample experience performing revisionary procedures and find particular satisfaction in helping these patients improve and maintain their original results.

Inverted Nipple Correction

Many women are bothered by the appearance of inverted nipples. While the condition is unlikely to resolve on its own, it is fairly simple to correct with surgery. Inverted nipple correction can be performed on its own under local anesthesia or in conjunction with breast augmentation or another breast enhancement surgery. When performed on its own, it requires very little downtime and creates a virtually undetectable scar.


See What’s Possible

Our practice offers Crisalix, a way for patients to preview their results in 3-D. This adds a tangible, visual element to your planning process, giving you and Dr. Ford a common, beautiful goal.

Learn More

Your Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation is performed while you are under general anesthesia. Your surgeon begins by making an incision either around the lower edge of your areola (called the periareolar incision) or along the crease beneath your breast (called the inframammary incision). You and your surgeon determine your incision location during your consultation.

Once he has made the incision, he creates a pocket within your breast tissue. Depending on your preferences, this may be above or below your chest muscle. He then adds the implant. While silicone implants are added whole, saline implants are inserted empty and filled once they’re in place, enabling your surgeon to use a relatively small incision. He evaluates the implants for symmetry before closing the incisions.

Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

If you are undergoing breast augmentation with fat grafting, Dr. Ford or Dr. Hanna uses a gentle form of liposuction to remove fat from a donor area on your body, usually the lower abdomen, thighs, or back. He purifies the fat using a special process and injects it into your breast tissue, shaping it to match your desired outcome.

The procedure is best suited for people who want only a modest breast size increase and who have sufficient fat in a donor area.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From Breast Augmentation?

Today’s techniques allow for a relatively comfortable and brief recuperation after breast augmentation. It’s important to carefully follow your surgeon’s directions for caring for yourself after surgery. You will also likely need to wear a soft surgical bra as your surgeon recommends.

Recovery Milestones

Here is a general timeline of recovery milestones (individual experiences may vary):

  • Ready to shower: 48 hours after surgery
  • Discomfort peaks: 3 to 5 days
  • Remove sutures and dressings: 5 to 7 days
  • Return to work, school, and nonstrenuous activities: about a week
  • Bruising and swelling fade: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Safe to go in a hot tub, swimming pool, the ocean: 3 weeks
  • Implants soften and settle: 6 to 12 weeks
  • Resume strenuous exercise: about 2 months
  • Attain final results: 6 to 12 weeks
  • Scars fade: at least 6 to 12 months

When Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

While gentle walking is encouraged the week of surgery, you will need to wait about 2 weeks before resuming light, non-impact cardio workouts on a stationary bike, treadmill, stair machine, or other equipment. You will likely need to refrain from heavy lifting and vigorous activities for at least several weeks. Additionally, upper body exercise is discouraged until your chest muscles have fully healed. At your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will gradually clear you to resume certain activities.

What Are the Risks of Breast Augmentation?

As one of the most popular elective procedures in the world, breast augmentation is quite safe. However, no surgery is completely free of risk. In general, potential risks of breast augmentation include infection, excessive bleeding, development of excess scar tissue, and implant malposition. However, these are uncommon, especially when choosing a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Ford, Dr. Hanna, or Dr. Snell. During your consultation, your surgeon reviews your individual risk assessment with you to help you better understand how the surgery may affect you.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

What’s the difference between a breast augmentation and breast implants?

Breast augmentation refers to any procedure that increases the size of the breasts. Breast implants are the most common method for enlarging the breasts, but other techniques such as fat grafting can also be used to augment the breasts.

How old is too old to get a breast augmentation?

Health, not age, is an important consideration for being a breast augmentation candidate. Women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s attain rewarding results from this procedure when they have realistic expectations and are in good health.

How long do breast implants last?

Although breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime, they are very durable, and you can expect them to last 10 to 20 years.

Is breast augmentation safe?

In the hands of a well-qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, breast augmentation is generally considered a very safe procedure. Still, like any surgery, breast augmentation does present some risk for complications such as capsular contracture and infection. It is safest for those in good health who don’t smoke (or who are willing to abstain for weeks before and after the surgery).

Will I lose sensation in my nipples after this surgery?

Temporary changes in nipple sensation such as numbness, partial loss of sensation, and hypersensitivity are common after breast augmentation, but these issues usually resolve as the breast nerves heal. Nerve healing can be as quick as a couple of months or up to 18 months. In rare instances, this sensation change is permanent.

Will breast implants interfere with my ability to breastfeed?

Breast implants don’t usually prevent you from breastfeeding, although it may not be possible if normal nipple sensation has not yet returned. Talk with your surgeon if you intend to breastfeed in the future.

Which implants feel the most natural?

Form-stable silicone gel implants move and behave more like normal breast tissue, so most people believe they are the more natural-feeling breast implant.

What if I decide later that I don’t want breast implants?

Dr. Snell performs explant surgery for patients who want their implants removed and not replaced.

What is the difference between breast implants and breast augmentation?

Breast implants refer to the actual silicone or saline devices used in surgery, while breast augmentation is the procedure of enhancing the size and shape of breasts using implants.

If you think your breasts could use some added fullness, request a consultation online with one of our surgeons at our Toronto or Oshawa offices. You may call our Toronto office at  (416) 925-7337 or our Oshawa office at  (905) 743-9888 to schedule your appointment.

1 American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2017 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report

2 Coleman, Sydney R. et al.,Primary Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting , Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2015 Jul;42(3):301-6, vii. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2015.03.010.

3 Montemurro P., Fischer S., Hager S., Hedén P., Secondary Breast Augmentation: Is There a Trend for Bigger Implants?, Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2018 Oct 1. doi: 10.1007/s00266-018-1244-5
