The women and men who come in for facelift consultations at my Toronto plastic surgery practice are often more concerned about the recovery than the procedure itself. The truth is the recovery following a facelift is usually much more comfortable than patients anticipate. That’s especially true if they follow the post-op instructions we provide.
Additionally, by following the tips provided in this blog post, the recovery after a facelift can be quicker than expected. As a facelift specialist who has trained with some of the world’s most highly regarded plastic surgeons, I can say that patients who follow these tips nearly always have positive recovery experiences after their surgeries.
Virtually every Royal College-certified plastic surgeon provides their patients with detailed post-op instructions to help with the healing process and enhance the patient’s comfort. Patient’s should follow these carefully thought-out instructions as closely as possible.
These additional tips are also important to keep in mind for a smooth recovery:
Keep your head elevated: Sleeping with your head in an upright position for the first 2 weeks after surgery is important. Propping yourself up helps reduce pressure in the face and keeps blood from flowing into the surgical area, which helps reduce swelling. Keeping your head elevated is important not only for sleeping, but also applies when you’re watching television or reading. I often suggest patients try sleeping with their head elevated before surgery so they are prepared for and accustomed to the new sleeping position.
Plan ahead: Rest is an important part of the healing process, so taking care of errands and meal prep before the procedure is a great way to ensure you don’t over-exert yourself too soon. Pick up prescription pain meds before the surgery date. Coming home to an uncluttered house reduces the stress of recovery, so be sure to take care of household chores prior to your facelift. It’s also great to have meals available in the refrigerator or freezer so they can just be warmed up so you don’t have to spend time in the kitchen during the initial healing period.
Rest, rest, rest: Because facelift recovery actually is less painful than most patients expect, there can be a tendency to try to do too much early on. Patients who feel pretty good within a day or 2 of the surgery might be inclined to take on additional activities, but it’s important to take it easy and follow your surgeon’s instructions.
Ask for help: Facelift patients are typically pretty independent people who aren’t used to relying on friends or family for assistance. Did I mention how important it is to get enough rest? If after surgery you realize you need to run an errand or take care of some household chores, it’s better to ask friends or family for help than to do too much too soon and compromise your facelift results.
If you’ve been looking for a facial plastic surgeon in Toronto, you can go to our gallery and browse the before-and-after photos to see the types of results a facelift can produce. You can also contact us using the online form to request a consultation or call us at (416) 925-7337 (Toronto) or (905) 743-9888 to schedule an appointment.
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